CESP LED Parking lighting upgrade-Dubai

The owner in Dubai was very keen to reduce energy consumption in the hospital to help meet the objectives in its environmental policies as well as reducing the associated running and maintenance costs.

Previously they used 1 year warranty pole lighting ,not only less brightness but the life time is less than 1 year,so they always purchase light and energy saving is also a big headache.

Finally CESP had been working with their Facility Manager. It was tasked with surveying different areas of the hospital to upgrade the current lighting to LED with a view to helping save the hospital money through direct savings and also efficiencies.

The Facility Manager was happy with the results of the surveys and the savings he could obtain by implementing some of the recommendations in them. As a result, there is now an on-going working relationship with further work to complete in the future when funding becomes available.

They had already upgraded some of the hospital’s car park lighting to LED but due to the increased amount of work CESP had taken on and the success of those projects, the Facility Manager asked CESP to provide a solution for the fittings that had not been upgraded to LED.