Save Maintenance Cost -CESP LED Light (Dubai)

Energy saving is the most frequently quoted reason for changing to LED lighting. But reduced labour costs and more efficient use of maintenance teams is also a significant consideration.

In an industrial environment, maintenance cost savings can be a major driver in moving to LED lighting technology. The main cost components are:

  • Cost of material (e.g. Replacement fittings);
  • Cost of labour to replace the failed or deficient luminaire;
  • Cost of productivity (e.g. Work cannot proceed without repairs taking place)

Maintenance work in the industrial sector can be an expensive business as labour and lift hire charges, coupled with machine downtime, often prove to be complicated and costly outlays.

Don’t underestimate the cost of old lighting technology to your business and begin your LED journey today!

If you are interested in CESP LED lighting solution for your facility, please send email to to get started.